Friday, May 28, 2010

A *Big* Thank You...

...goes out to Amy Preiser, associate editor for AOL's (fabulous) Shelterpop site, who wrote a sweet piece about our beloved lego bench.

Read the full story here.

Now, who's planning on BBQing during this fabulous 3-day weekend?! Or will you be carried me?

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ahoy-hoy. Remember me? So yeah...I've become lost with blogger the last couple of weeks. Rumor has it that blogger and I recently engaged in a nasty brouhaha.

No comment.

Our home-improvement days have come to a halt as of late, therefore my blogging days will be on hiatus. Perhaps I can convince my in-laws to allow me to blog about their BIG retrolicious home re-model they are currently in the midst of...and I'm talking notorious b.i.g. big.

Until then, I will leave you with a picture of our latest upcycling project courtesy of these little tile-like guys.

Who ever said floppy disks have become obsolete didn't think outside of the box. They are alive and well in our home office and our Mac (and tanker desk) love the company. If anyone has a box of old colorful pagers sitting in their garage, ship 'em over my way. I'll pull a Ted Lawson and create my own robot or something...

See you in another life, brotha~