Friday, July 30, 2010

Say Whaaaaaaat!?

I've been a HUGE fan of Retrograde LA for some time now and I just can't help but to salivate onto my keyboard every time I peruse their site. I'm telling you, it's love at first click. Their pre-owned furniture selection is the best of the litter...and without the big-ticket price tags. 

Oh, what's that you say? Show me the goods? Well, get ready for a Friday love affair.
An almost identical Eames Lounge Chair for a fraction of the price. I'm talking shelling out only 13/50ths of the original price. Hit. Run. Score.

I'm glued to the little barneby below. It'd be perfect in our family room especially since we have yet to fill-in every corner of the room.
[microphone? check. Two turn tables? unchecked.]

What's better than a 3 piece suit? A trio table set, of course!
Sadly, furniture shopping is not on this weekend's agenda...but, throwing a baby shower is! A full recap next week. Promise.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Awesome Blossom

When Chris and I flew our respective nests and moved in together, I promised myself two things: one- I would never wear frumpy sleepwear (guilty!) and two- I would never purchase a flowery bedspread for our bedroom. I figured it was only fair to stay gender neutral in our new communal space. I've kept my promise for over 3 years without any trouble or temptation...that is until I heard the siren song of this little son of a sandwich pictured below. 

[Orla Kiely]

I may have to break my promise. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Going Mad

I hope our guests weren't too peeved by my whispering throughout last night's Mad Men season premiere episode. Seriously, I could not stop gushing over that beautiful caramelized orange button tufted couch every time it made an appearance. 

What I wouldn't give to be Pete Campbell's butt in that scene. I know what you're groper. What can I say? I love touching furniture. 

And then there was Roger's Nesso lamp sitting on his tulip office desk. Which is also available in orange, btw.

But it was the scene below that sent Chris' eyes and mine to meet.

I want that dividing wall square our master bedroom walls...well just on one wall. 

Anyone else going mad?