Thursday, April 8, 2010

Would You Be My Friend If...

...I carried this lunch bag to work every morning?

My owl obsession is growing like a weed.

It's almost Friday and I'm in love!


  1. I would be your friend even more! That lunch box is awesome!

  2. If someone at work had this... I would attach myself to them immediately because they would be AWESOME! :)

  3. It would be mighty hard not to be your friend if I saw you with that lunch box! Its awesome!

  4. Yes!!! That is way too cute.

  5. I think I might because that is awesome! Just beware of the frenemie whose probably trying to steal it from you when you're not looking! :D

  6. Sure! Just don't turn your back on that thing....muahahahaha!

  7. Have you seen my adorable Hello Kitty lunch bag?! psshh, doesn't even compare ;)

  8. It's sooo cute! if only it came with a matching thermos!

  9. Hey you.. I hope you are feeling better. It is no bueno that you got hit with the bug.

    We so should start a Starbucks delivery service. I am very surprise as well that they dont do it. But I mean look their drive thrus are still very scarce as well. Hmm you would think they would get the hint-especially in CA. We are lazy!

    Hope to see you soon:)

  10. Could we be any closer virtual bffs? I am totally obsessed with owls too!!! This might be the cutest lunch bag ever. I think I need to go buy it! Mind if I copy you?

    You have the best taste. For realsies!

  11. Aww, how adorable! It's so good to meet another owl lover. Have a great day!
