Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Real Gem

A few weeks ago I was asked to help out a close friend with her annual jewelry show. In exchange for my services, I would receive a sweet insider's discount. Um, yes! Little did I know 'helping out' translated to 'modeling' the goods. Oh mylanta! If you knew me in person, you'd know that I am one of the shyest girls in the world. So I swallowed up my timidness this past weekend and turned my clavicle into the lady of the evening.

I was ooh la la-ing over her amber collection all evening.

Aside from the array of gems, her home is beautifully adorned with presentations from her culture and her passion for the arts.

[ tinkle with the mermaids ]

Did I mention she is an avid thrift shopper?! Check out this dining room set she scored years ago at a second hand store.

Towards the end of the night I was able to take a quick snapshot while I was wearing one of her biggest pieces displayed that night; a Mediterranean coral necklace.

I'm keeping my purchases on a hush hush level as they will be Christmas gifts for some lovely ladies! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


My motto during this decorating season is: "keep it simple, Sugar!"

Days ago, I spied a DIY 5 minute tinsel garland wreath and I thought, jeepers creepers! I could do that. So I moseyed myself down to my local thrift store one chilly night and found my essential props: an extra large embroidery hoop and a lengthy string of tinsel.

Carefully wrap the fragile metallic garland around the entire hoop, add a little pom pom* for extra cuteness, and whoomp! there it is.

Easy peasy right?! But it gets better...total cost? $3.98. And I have an extra loop of tinsel for future use. Say whaaaaat?!

Doesn't it just speak, wreath out and touch me? (I'm a sucker for puns. But who isn't really?)

[ *Instead of using wax paper as suggested, I made my pom with good old tissue paper. And it hasn't lost its puffiness yet. ]